Trendlines Statewide Monthly Construction Data- December 2021
Data recently released by the United States Geological Service shows 124,158 tons of cement were shipped to the state during the month of September 2021. Cement shipments grew 12.8% over the same period in 2020. For the first nine months of 2021, the state has seen volumes increase 13.3% over the first nine months of 2020. Portland Limestone Cement use continues to rise across the state with 18.7% of the cement shipments being PLC for the month.
Looking to ready mix volumes, we estimate 459,757 cubic yards of concrete were placed during the month. The yardage was a 6.2% decline from ready mix yardage in August 2021.
Reviewing residential construction, data released by the University of Alabama projects 15,286 homes have been started through October 2021. This is a 13.6% increase for the same period in 2020. Alabama lags behind the South region which has seen a 23% jump for the period. Huntsville leads the state with 3,822 starts for the year.