The Alabama Concrete Industries Association (ACIA) is proud to announce that it has partnered with McPherson Oil and their Fuelz gasoline distribution program.
Fuelz is McPherson Oil’s answer to Fleet Fuel Management. Fuelz offers the owner and fleet manager total Security, Accountability, and Control over all the fueling and maintenance purchases related to a fleet.
Fuelz Offers:
• Pre-Purchase Controls – Authorized drivers can only purchase authorized grades of fuel in amounts preset by you.
• Fuel Management Reports delivered to you WEEKLY.
• Fuelz does not allow cash or goods rebates back to purchasers or personal fuel purchases – Fuelman is for your company vehicles’ gasoline only!
• Odometer entry and miles per gallon calculations allow you to operate your fleet most efficiently.
• No cash in your drivers hands or tabs in many convenience stores
• Fuelz customers typically save between 10% – 30% on their overall fleet costs.
• More than 25,000 fueling locations nationwide.
Only fuel and authorized fleet related purchases can be made on the Fuelz card. That means no sodas, no beer, no snacks, no tobacco can be charged to your account. This is a fuel and maintenance ONLY card service.
Fuelman saves you time and money. While we are managing your fuel, you will have more time to manage your business and you’ll know where your people are buying and what, and put a stop to the number one misuse – THEFT.
Here is a way TMC can support ACIA efforts going forward:
• A $0.05 cpg annual rebate paid to ARBA on your companies behalf for all Lubricant purchases made through The McPherson Oil Company. An Additional $0.05 cpg on all ExxonMobil and BP/Castrol branded products. (for example: 14,000 gallons @ $0.10 cpg = $1,400.00 paid to ARBA under companies behalf)
• The products for rebate include lubricating oils, ATF, greases, gear oils, DEF & antifreeze
• This includes Bulk, drums, kegs, pails, gallons, quarts and cases
• The rebate will be paid annually on or around January 15th for the previous year purchases
• This includes both current & new members alike
As one of the largest independent industrial lubricant distributors in the Southeast, McPherson Oil recognizes the importance of safeguarding our future through management practices designed to protect the environment and the integrity of your business. Our philosophy is simple – to provide only the finest products available, backed by McPherson Oil’s guarantee of quality service and technical assistance.